How to lose weight properly

Reduce carbohydrates periodically.

Extreme reduction of carbohydrates slows down the metabolism, which means that instead of reducing it, you increase fat. Take 2.5-3 grams of carbohydrates per 1 kg in proportion to your weight. The ration of a person weighing 100 kg should contain 250-300 grams of carbohydrates and periodically, every 10 days should be reduced. Carbohydrate reduction should be continued until weight loss begins.

Eliminate hunger

Many believe that the less you eat and the more you exercise the easier it will be to lose weight. In fact, hunger slows down the metabolism and puts the body under stress, at which time the body stores fat as a source of energy. Eat every 3 hours to regulate metabolism.

High-intensity and not long-lasting cardio.

Cardio exercises (jumping, jogging) are really good ways to get rid of fat, but when doing cardio the duration is less important the main thing is what intensity you exercise. High-intensity cardio burns a lot more calories, and it also has a better effect on glucose, blood circulation, and cholesterol levels.

Correct the mistakes and keep progressing.